ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] old dominion rides

[endurance] old dominion rides

30 Oct 95 9:34:34

The Old Dominion 100 mile endurance ride is considering adding a limited distance ride to one or more of its yearly events (currently the Sherman Gap 35 competitive in the spring, the June Old Dominion 50/100 and the fall (last weekend, in fact) Fort Valley 3-day 150. Weąd like information from anyone with knowledge of limited distance rides, for instance: is there a minimum and/or maximum distance? minimum or maximum time? vet stop(s)? What kind? how long? for you limited distance riders, what are you looking for in a ride?

any and all input would be helpful.

Also: for those of you who have hesitated about riding the OD 50 because of the logistics of getting your trailer to the other end of the valley where the ride ends, we are hopeful that starting next year, the 50 will make a loop and return to base camp.

Stay tuned!

Gwen Dluehosh promises to post results of the Ft. Valley rides tonight. I donąt have them.