Eugenie Oogie McGuire <> writes:
> I've been reading the pros and cons of riding with lights and I was
> wondering. Has anyone tried using red light? That way your night vision
> is not affected but there is more light to see by. That or the relatively
> inexpensive night vision goggles available at price club might be
> options. I know I am terribly night blind and trust in my horse or not I
> would feel a whole lot safer with a some light when riding.
| Gwen Dluehosh "Pretty enough to show, |
| Desert Storm Arabians (| |)_____ tough enough |
| 2249 Mt. Tabor Rd / \ \__=___ to RIDE." |
| Blacksburg, VA 24060 (= + =) \___=___ |
| 540/953-1792 \ + / \__=____ |
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| Endurance/racing ()+() \ _______ |
| halter stock available \_/ |