ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Sheepswool sponges
[endurance] Sheepswool sponges
Laura G. Causey (CAUSEYL@mail.firn.edu)
Mon, 9 Oct 1995 12:30:43 EST
Living down here in the Florida Keys provides me with an ample supply of
only one item of interest to the Endurance world-- wonderful sheepswool
sponges! I see the pathetic sponges at some of the rides and wonder.
These are about 6 to 6 1/2 inch diameter 1st quality sheepswool. I would
be happy to supply one or more to any of you, not in a bag or on a string
yet, but cleaned and cured and ready to use on your horse. If anyone is
interested, e-mail me directly at Causeyl@mail.firn.edu or send snail mail
to Rt. 5 Box 678, Big Pine Key, FL 33043. If I paid shipping and packaging
I could send them out for $10 each or 2 for $18. Anyone interested? As
far as natural sponges go, sheepswool is the finest.
Laura Causey
P.S. I can buy them from the Greek spongers for $6 each uncleaned, so it
would be a labor of love to send them to you (if you've ever smelled a dead
UNCLEANED sponge you'll know what I mean).