ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Re: Mystery Lameness
[endurance] Re: Mystery Lameness
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 10:27:50 -0400
My first thought after reading your description of the lameness was the horse
has back problems. My horse had similiar lameness when he was five - also no
heat in the joint but a positive flexion test. I opted for some chiropractic
treatments on a whim. The equine chiropractor just happened to be on the
ranch taking care of some other horses and he was able to locate the problem
for me. (I don't think I would have called him on my own initiative, cuz I
didn't know that much about it at the time.) My horse's muscles were as tight
as a drum in several areas along his neck and back that were treated a few
times. His lameness was gone immediately after the first adjustment. A good
equine chiropractor whould be able to anaylse your horse's gait without
having him trot out. Just at a walk, and with a good eye, you should be able
to see if the rear legs reach and whether or not the front legs move straight
or swing out while walking. Trotting only exaggerates the lameness and is
painful to the horse.
I don't know where you are located but if you are in no. CA I could pass a
name on to you of the fella I used. When this happened to my horse I was at
my wits end, but after the treatments I was able to ride long distances again
and I use acupunture and chiropractic methods as well as aromatherapy with
great success on my horse now.
Linda in CT