ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Night Riding Red Light?

[endurance] Night Riding Red Light?

Eugenie (oogiem@dsrtweyr.com)
Wed, 4 Oct 95 14:00 PDT

I've been reading the pros and cons of riding with lights and I was
wondering. Has anyone tried using red light? That way your night vision
is not affected but there is more light to see by. That or the relatively
inexpensive night vision goggles available at price club might be
options. I know I am terribly night blind and trust in my horse or not I
would feel a whole lot safer with a some light when riding.

Oogie McGuire - oogiem@dsrtweyr.com
Weyr Associates - Multimedia and Web Authoring Services & Consulting
Desert Weyr - CMK Arabian horses & saddle mules for endurance and show
551 Gem Lane, Ramona, CA 92065-3770 voice (619) 788-6671 FAX (619) 788-6742