ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] "Mud Fever" ie. scratches

[endurance] "Mud Fever" ie. scratches

Wed, 04 Oct 95 11:27:16 +0900

To all of you out there dealing with this scratches problem.
We have a gelding who is very prone to this problem causing
him to get so sore from the scratches he goes lame.
If thescratches ever get so bad they are scabbing , bleeding,
or causing lamenes call your vet! It can get very serious.
Also washing off the mud after they have been in muddy yards,
I'm not sure pasture would be the right term for it, and getting
them onto dry ground for a night helps prevent the infection.
Scrub with betadine scrub during the cure period and an
occasional scrub would be a good preventive measure.
My vet gives us a scrub containing anti-inflamatory in
betadine. I'm not sure what the ingredient is but my wife does
know if you're interested. It has taken weeks in the past to
get rid of this problem and the horse was very sore!

Ray Santana
UC Davis Medical Center
Network Operations