ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] 100 miles in Brazil

[endurance] 100 miles in Brazil

Carlos Eduardo Vogas Valenca (cevogvalenca@ax.apc.org)
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 00:54:15 -0300

Hello Steph,

At the first time in Brazil, will be achieve in the next Oct 6,
a 160 Km (100 miles) proof at one day. It's the 5th trial of the
1995 National Championship. It will be in a city named Avari at
State of Sco Paulo. The notice for here is that your compatriot
Valerie Kanavy will be there.

For more information call direct:
Verdes Eventos (The Company wich promove this trial)
Fone: (011)883-6288
Fax: (011)883-4756

So it's all.


Carlos Valenca

Name: Carlos Eduardo Vogas Valenca
Address: Rua Jorge Rudge 120/1006 Bloco 1
Rio de Janeiro / RJ - BRAZIL
Fone: (021)567-1029
Email: cevogvalenca@ax.ibase.org.br