*Re: time: I haven't got it but I keep wishing for it. My dream is to ride
a 25 miler. I work 9-5 "plus"; spending my 45-min lunch on horsey
internet & paying bills, then having to finish long experiments that take
more than I plan time for. I have a half-hour plus commute and
a working-9-5-plus-also couch-potato husband (who does cook once a
month) who leaves popsicle carcasses and wadded socks about (but also
likes to ride occasionally), a dog and a couple cats, besides the 3 horses.
We don't have daylight in winter to even commute by, so when you get
your answer, let me know, too. The problem with us is that we keep
scheduling these big projects that take the time (building the barn, which
was crucial, replacing to non-electric fence, and now house-remodelling,
which is not my bag. I'd rather muck out stalls). Also we serve on two
horse clubs as officers and help run one show. Don't do any of this
extra stuff if you plan on working full-time and conditioning a horse.
Even Superman couldn't.
My first judged ride is Oct. 16; a 12-mile
"judged pleasure" ride. In the meantime, I try to ride a 12-mile walk
mostly, trot occasionally, in the hills on the weekends, with a few hours
a week in evenings squeezed in whenever I can get it.
*Re: saddles: Jeff's Collegiate Marathon fits his short-backed TBxQH
well when she's out-of-shape; we'll see what happens if he ever rides
enough to build some muscle on her. It's too narrow for my 15.2+ Arab.
When we tried it, it looked/felt ok until I got on, then my legs went out
front of me and my knees felt like they were pointed at each other. A
wider one might have worked. I don't know what size-width it is. The
saddle seems to fit a lot of horses, and it's really padded well on both
sides, though.
I just tried & bought a endurance Sports Saddle which
I really like a lot, although I wish I'd tried it in the warmer weather to
really test it to see if it makes Firefly's back too hot (it's got a neoprene
layer in it, and no tree between us); so far it's fine.
Bridget in SE PA Brickson@sb.com