I'm at the barn everyday, and usually wear out my boots every 6
months or so... not these, they still look like new!
They are also extremely comfortable. They never needed any breaking
in. I've been comfortable in my Ariats doing some mild hiking with
my horse. However, when I know I'm going to do a lot of hill
climbing, and some jogging, running shoes are still better.
I have definitely gotten my moneys worth. I don't know if the
leather one hold up as well, but I'm sure they are as comfortable.
Jennifer Layman
Palo Alto, CA
FORWARDED MESSAGE 09/25/95 10:41 FROM royerc@mgmt.purdue.edu "Royer, Cheryl":
[endurance] Ariat Boots
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Date: 25 Sep 1995 12:18:03 -0500
From: "Royer, Cheryl" <royerc@mgmt.purdue.edu>
Subject: [endurance] Ariat Boots
To: endurance@moscow.com
Sender: owner-endurance@moscow.com
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I would like some comments on Ariat boots, what is best style and are they
holding up under the wear and tear of competitive riding. CMR