ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Ungaited horses

[endurance] Ungaited horses

Kathy Myers x3004 (Kathy.MYERS@syntex.com)
Tue, 19 Sep 1995 15:07:25 -0800 (PST)

Thanks Stacy for the great ride at Las Trampas!
Sure made Magnum's first 50 a ride to remember.
Porter can trot up a storm!

Which brought me to this realization. Magnum's
a TB with kind-of-straight rear angulation.
Take a look at a picture of Bold Ruler some day.
That's exactly his butt and top line. He's just
not a well angulated Arab. Most of the vets
can take this into consideration. We got a LOT
of good comments from them at the ride. Those
comments ment a great deal to me. But then
there was the one vet who was sure he was
stiff in the rear. She vetted us in before the
ride and vetted us out after. Yeah, he moves
a bit different back there, but he's not an
Arab. When she said he was stiff in rear I
had a horrible moment where I thought she
may not pass him. I was hoping she'd notice
he'd moved that way BEFORE. After all, she
wrote it on his vet card!

I can now relate to the gaited horse riders.
After our wonderful day with Stacy and Porter
I had a moment when I thought we were going
up in smoke. I just wanted to scream "He's
not perfect! He's a TB!"

But we had a happy ending! Sorry I missed
Nick and Judy at the ride. I did get a chance
to catch up with my old trail buddies Maryben
and Bing (Who wrote 'JUNIOR' all over Dusty
on our first 25 so many years ago). I think
we were camped by Marilyn and her youngster.
They were great neigh-bors. :) We really
missed Kathy and her Arab Fire Alaarm. Hope
he's feeling back up to par soon!

And don't let Stacy fool you... she's the one
who kept the ride cheerful and fun!

:) - kat
Magnum... 950 miles to go... ;-)