Since you've got hilly areas, I'd just work on the hills. Then when
you get to the top, take the pulse, wait a couple of minutes and
take it again. If the pulse is going down rapidly, you are doing
good. If the pulse stays high, you need to slow down a bit.
Also check hydration via a pinch test. Usually on a training ride
you don't have the worry, but it's nice to know anyway.
> Also, any pointers for training in very hilly areas? I am training her
> to consistently trot up hill (or walk), and to always walk downhill. I
> also get off and walk up if she's tired, and down if the hill is REALLY
> steep. Or, any advice about training on rocky logging roads?
Training should be more strenuous than the ride when working on the
cardio vascular. It should be easier, if possible on the bones.
So, the idea is to work until she is tired and then a bit more.
Rocky roads, try to use the shoulder. I hate rocky roads.
> And, I ALWAYS get off and walk her in to cool her off!
Why? When I was seriously competing (as opposed to bringing along
a youngster), I'd do my miles, then about 1 mile before home,
I'd start to walk (by riding walking). Half a mile later, I'd
check the pulse. If the pulse was down to normal criteria,
I figured I had to work harder. If the pulse was a bit higher
I figured I'd done right. When I came in at 1 mile, I'd check again.
This pulse I wanted to be at criteria. When it came to competing,
I would know almost exactly how far I needed to walk to get the
pulse down to criteria. My goal, which I usually made, was to come
into the vet check, and immediately ask for a check. That way
I would have no waisted waiting time.
On my last ride, with my youngster, I rode with a bunch of 50 milers
who looked to want to finish first in the 25. Unfortunately, my
horse wanted to stay with them. So, come the first vet check,
they came in real fast. I argued with my horse and brought him
in slower. They were perhaps 2 minutes ahead of me. But,
I was the first to pass the criteria. My out time, would be
several minutes ahead of theirs. So who won at the vet check?
-- Wendy\|/ /\ -O- /**\ /|\ /****\ /\ / \ /**\ Here there be dragons / /\ / \ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\/\/\ /\ / / \ / \ / \/\/ \/ \ /\/ \/\ /\ /\/ / / \/ \ / / \/ /\ \ / \ \ / \/ / / \/ \/ \ / \ \ / / \/ \/\ \ / \ / / \ __/__/_______/___/__\___\__________________________________________________
Wendy Milner HPDesk: wendy_milner@hp4000 Training Development Engineer HP-UX: Mail Stop 46 Telnet: 229-2182 3404 E. Harmony Rd. AT&T: (970) 229-2182 Fort Collins, CO, 80525 FAX: (970) 229-4292