ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Re: Ride Banquets/Sponsors

[endurance] Re: Ride Banquets/Sponsors

Brenda Miskimmin (bmiskimm@env.gov.ab.ca)
Thu, 14 Sep 1995 08:32:19 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 13 Sep 1995 15:18:37 -0600 (PDT) Dominique
Freeman <fadjurs@sadandy.hpl.hp.com> wrote:
>Hello Fellow Riders,
>I'm putting this one up to a general vote, partly in an
>effort to continuously improve the ride (Los Vaqueros 50/25)
>to satisfy some of the "pet peeves" mail from two weeks

WOW! Your ride sounds great, too bad I live in Canada. I
give your menu thumbs up (dollars to carrot sticks, some
veggie lovers will ask for more).

What terrific sponsorship you have. I'm curious, how do you
approach sponsors to get such great results? I'll put this to
you and to any other ride organizers for ideas. Do you
phone, mail, visit personally? How do you convince them
that sponsoring your ride is a good idea?

Edmonton, Alberta