MORLAIX Britanny (France) September 2 1995
European Endurance Championship FEI
subject to modifications
103 miles 70 horses 19 countries
The french team had to take risks to figth with an superb English squad.
@Vet 3 (km 125) all four medals for England with 3 riders ahead and 25
minutes in advance...
@Vet 4 (km 155) four frenchs ahead
On the racecourse Sunday passes Ami the most french competitive horse
and Sheraton beats Roch on the finishing lane for the 3rd medal SUPERB
Pleased to see Valerie Kanavy and his team with Boris belonging to S
Tomasi and a full russian team (travel of 6000 kilometers yes Europe is a
continent !)
Individual results :
1 Sunday d'Aurabelle Benedicte Atger France 17.07 km/h (>10Mph)
2 Ami Michel Denayer France
3 Sheraton Patricia Fawler Great Britain
4 Roch Stephane Fleury France
5 Oliver's taboo Joanne Trego Great Britain
6 Egyptian Khalifa Jill Thomas Great Britain
7 Horla Hugo Kerneur FranceBEST CONDITION 17.04km/h
8 Ramegwa Sergio Tomasi Italy
9 Nelson Jacques David France
10Radio X Gun Carlson Sweden
11Varoussa Stephane Tochon France
12Bruno Roser Xalabader Spain
13Alta Sally Hall Great Britain
14George Washington Alexander Stadler Germany
15Vague du temple Jack Begaud France (>15 km/h)
etc etc
P Bulte
Team results
Gold Great Britain
Silver France
Bronze Germany