ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] Survey-request your help please!

[endurance] Survey-request your help please!

Royer, Cheryl (royerc@mgmt.purdue.edu)
6 Sep 1995 10:29:48 -0500

I'm forwarding this for a friend, she would like for endurance/competitie
riders from all over to let her know the following.

1. Are electric pens allowed in your forest/parks for endurance/comp. rides?
Is there a size limit, any other restrictions?

3. Do you have an annual bridle tag fee to ride in parks/forests, if so how
much is the annual fee? Daily fee?

Please post your messages to the endurance group or e-mail me direct, I will
forward all responses to her. Don't forget to put in where you are from.
Thanks for your help. CMR