ridecamp@endurance.net: [endurance] qualifying for ROC
[endurance] qualifying for ROC
Katherine J. Brunjes (brunjes@saturn.caps.maine.edu)
Wed, 6 Sep 1995 10:29:33 -0400 (EDT)
I have a question about the upcoming Valley Forge ride which was
originally a 50/two day 100, and now is listed in the ECTRA schedule as
three separate endurance rides: a 50-mile, a two-day 100, and a three
day 150 mile. Originally the two day 100 could be used as a qualifying
ride for the ROC - can it still be? this was a hot debate at the last
ride I attended, and no one seemed to know - if the ride has been
increased to a three day 150, is that (then) the ride that becomes the
qualifying ride? Anyone have the answer to this?
Kathy Brunjes
Bethel, ME