After the ride, have plenty of carbos and fruit available
for the riders.
For dinner, high carbohydrate stuff - pasta, bread without
grease (I hate the bread that comes pre-buttered with whatever
passes for flavoring), beans (without sugar. Baked beans are
ok, bar-b-qued beans with so much sauce you can't taste the
beans are out), corn, potatoes (not fried in grease), and rice.
If people want to add oil and sugar to their food, let
them, but don't force it on people who don't want it.
Don't just pick one item from this list, have it all :-)
For the meat/protein dish, have plain meat without all
the high sugar sauces that some places put on. I don't
need the sugar. I'm high enough as it is.
And have plenty of vegetables. A real salad, mixed vegetables,
cooked veggies and raw veggies.
And have the limited distance ride awards early. I was at one
ride where all the limited distance riders finished by noon.
At 8 pm, we were still waiting for the 50s to come in so we
could get our completion awards. While it is nice to wait
for the 50s, it shouldn't be necessary.
And post a time table for the dinner and awards.
And for management -
Since the limited distance riders do "pay for the ride",
don't consider them a nusciounce. I was trying to vet in
for a ride. There were 3 vets standing around who would
not vet me in because in the distance they saw a single
50 mile riders coming in for his first check. They wanted
to be ready just in case there were more riders.
Consider having a single point of contact for the limited distance
riders. One volunteer who has the answers just for the new riders.
Take the time for the new riders to spell out just what a gate
into a hold is, for example. I've been around. I don't care
to listen to it all. Give me a map and the citeria and I'm gone.
But remember the first time you came to a ride, didn't know anyone,
didn't know where to check in, do you check in first, or do you
get the horse checked in first, And you certainly didn't know what
all those acronms meant.
The volunteers are there to keep the ride running smooth.
I know they need a bit of conversation, but it should not
interfer with a rider trying to get an in time.
-- Wendy\|/ /\ -O- /**\ /|\ /****\ /\ / \ /**\ Here there be dragons / /\ / \ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\/\/\ /\ / / \ / \ / \/\/ \/ \ /\/ \/\ /\ /\/ / / \/ \ / / \/ /\ \ / \ \ / \/ / / \/ \/ \ / \ \ / / \/ \/\ \ / \ / / \ __/__/_______/___/__\___\__________________________________________________
Wendy Milner HPDesk: wendy_milner@hp4000 Training Development Engineer HP-UX: Mail Stop 46 Telnet: 229-2182 3404 E. Harmony Rd. AT&T: (970) 229-2182 Fort Collins, CO, 80525 FAX: (970) 229-4292