ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: [endurance] Trail Blazer Magazine

Re: [endurance] Trail Blazer Magazine

Joe Long (mail.hiwaay.net@HiWAAY.net)
Thu, 31 Aug 1995 14:41:51 -500

I was reluctant to post to this thread, as Susan has been a personal
friend for a long time. But, I haven't subscribed to Trail Blazer
for several years, and I decided to tell y'all why.

I used to write letters for publication in Trail Blazer. As long as
they didn't oppose Susan's position, everything was fine. But, a few
years ago Susan took a strong stand on a controversial issue
involving the AERC. I wrote a letter taking the opposite position
from Susan, and refuting some of her claims.

When the letter came out in Trail Blazer, I could hardly recognize
it. She had edited the letter, deleting material that was
damaging to her position. What was left was an incoherent mess that
didn't make any sense (and made me look like a fool). There was
*NO* admission anywhere that the letter had been edited. She never
printed a retraction.

My letter was a little bit over the length she specified for
rebuttals, but in the same issue she printed several letters that
agreed with her that were much longer than mine. Even if it had to
be cut for length, it could have been done with taking out a phrase
here, a sentence there that totally butchered its meaning (and
deleting arguments Susan couldn't refute).

As you can guess, I never wrote to Trail Blazer again, and never
re-subscribed. I feel that if she did that to me, she did it to
anyone with whom she disagreed, so I couldn't trust the content of
the magazine any longer.


Joe Long Rainbow Connection Arabians PC/LAN Manager home of Kahlil Khai Calhoun Community College AERC Hall of Fame horse jlong@hiwaay.net 11,450 miles completed