> For me, some of the highlights included the first day ride with
> Tammy up Greenpicker-a short but fun ride. The ride with Linda
> Cowles was interesting. Kadense is proof you can cross a horse with
> a cat-I have never seen an equine as fast on his feet. I'm sure if
> you dropped him upside down he would land on his feet! We all had a
> spectacular spook at some pigs in the bushes-Kadense must have
> whirrled 3 times in a second and when he stopped Linda was still
> there! We moved out at the trot up to Glen Camp and cantered side
> by side up STewart trail-it was a blast.
I'm gonna tell *why* Karens ride was so interesting! We had a really
nice ride, I was feeling cocky about riding out Mr.Katman Kadanses
merry-go-round ride for the benefit of the pigs (I ended up on his neck,
but was *astride* him), and we had some wonderful stretches of trotting
and cantering. Chance, Karens horse, was really perfict, a testiment to
all of the time and effort that she's put into her.
And the wonderful canter up Stewart Trail; yes, Karen, that WAS a blast!
My short term memory is returning. I'm just now recovering that memory of
falling, but not all of it. The reason Karens ride was *so* interesting was
because (ahem!) I fell off Kadanse at a canter, smashed-in the back of my
ProLite helmet, was out cold for a number of minutes, and was a "numbskull"
(literally) for the next 3 hours... Poor Karen led me down the mountain
on foot, me happily oblivious to the world, and found rangers to take me
in. Karen is a VERY good hand in an emergency!
The only thing that I remember clearly was becoming witlessly enamoured
:*> with my paramedic on the ambulance ride to the hospital! My friend
Page says I was flirting with everyone... that is almost as embarrasing as
"falling" off of a horse! Helen massaged my ego, reminding me of all of
the antics that she's seen me ride out on Shatirr, and Lesley and Karen
reminded me of the nifty balancing act when Kadanse danced for the pigs,
but my ego is black and blue none the less. My head is ok!
And I'm meeting Dom for lunch tomarrow to get my new Troxel helmet! I want
one that I can get repaired - good timing Dom! Without the helmet, y'all
would have permanently lost a riding buddy, and perhaps a net buddy as well.
Enough helmet promotion.
Oh, we found out that Nick is GOOD at breaking into trailers! ;^)
And he does have a *very* nice gelding, and that Judys appy, Warpaint,
is what I call a "real" appy, not TB type at all. He is one big, solid
spotted, moving machine. One BIG appy.
Talk to you folks later!