ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: White hairs!

Re: White hairs!

Ken & Oogie McGuire (desertweyr@powergrid.electriciti.com)
Tue, 22 Aug 95 14:04 PDT

>Hey Nick, if you want to stop at a medical supply house and pick up
>6 rolls of 6 inch wide quick dry plaster tape (like is used for casting
>broken legs), we can make a cast of this critters back at Pt Reyes this

Can you explain what you do to make the cast? I think everyone would
benefit, I know I would.


Ken & Oogie McGuire
Weyr Associates - Multimedia and Web Authoring Services & Consulting
Desert Weyr - CMK Arabian horses & saddle mules for endurance and show
551 Gem Lane, Ramona, CA 92065-3770 voice (619) 788-6671 FAX (619) 788-6742