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Subject: Jennifer at stanford
Author: "Val Weizer" <Val_Weizer@qm.sri.com> at CCMAIL
Date: 8/9/95 4:37 PM
REGARDING Jennifer at stanford
I am right next door to Stanford at SRI and I would be happy to introduce you
to endurence (and of course I need a crew for the next ride as I will have 3
horses entered andam letting my normal crew ride one) I have a three horse
trailer so can help there too. We normaly only take 2 horses to a ride. I
am not the most experienced endurence rider out there but I seem to be close
to you. I just do a few rides a year - about 1 a month if everything goes
perfectly which it does not.
I am a quicksilver endurence club member also so if you want to go to a
meeting you are welcome. E-mail me privatly so we may get together.
I want to say an official hello to everyone. I have been listening in for 9
days now and intend to continue. I got the address from the endurence news
and have enjoyed it so far.
Val Weizer, Cupertino California