ridecamp@endurance.net: 25 milers
25 milers
Tue, 11 Jul 1995 22:40:45 -0700 (PDT)
Forwarded message:
> (Previous message left out by Linda Cowles to save bandwidth)
> This is a wonderful topic, since I am preparing my 4 yr old for his first
> 25 limited distance I feel strongly about these same concerns. I would
> like to ride the 25 and feel like I've "won" by completing without having
> to gallop his poor legs off. I would also love to get some of the feed
> back you seem to get from a NATRC ride, without having someone judge how
> well I mount or where I hang my buckets! If a limited endurance ride is
> a training ride, then it should perhaps be judged on final condition and
> how close to "preferred time" you come in. There could surely be an
> "open speed" class or something for those who like to win by being first
> and whose horses are ready to gallop 25 miles. A good source to look at
> for how judging would be handled might be a modified NATRC system or look
> at the "hunter pace" events, which are training events for eventing and
> cross country horses. Class levels are varied (novice, intermed.
> advanced), class is judged by completion of the course, course difficulty
> and length varies by class level, and by how close to the "preferred
> time" you come in. Coming in faster then a cut off point eliminates
> you.
> Just some thoughts!
> - Carrie and Graham (S. California)
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