ridecamp@endurance.net: Re[2]: 25 Miler BC vs. 1st Place

Re[2]: 25 Miler BC vs. 1st Place

Stacy A Berger (Stacy_A_Berger@ccm.sc.intel.com)
Mon, 10 Jul 95 11:58:00 PDT

Text item:

Mike -

I very much agree with and support your proposal.

Stacy Berger
Morgan Hill, CA

>I have been proposing for a few years that we award all of those horses on a
>limited distance ride that finished in great shape, regardless of time. This
>way, if you rode your horse to that horse's level of competition you would be
>given an award stating "completed in excellent condition." I believe this
>would encourage all of the riders to strive for looking good at completion
>rather than just the first one or two.
>There will always be the yahoos that race on a 25 miler. Nobody can prevent
>that. When I am head vet at a ride I do not allow the order of finish to be
>announced. The riders all know, though, due to the boasting of the
>particular rider.
>What we need to do, IMHO, is to reinforce the original mind-set that limited
>distance rides are for training, not a race in themselves.

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