ridecamp@endurance.net: RE: Electrolytes

RE: Electrolytes

Stephanie Teeter (step@sunfish.fsr.com)
Sat, 1 Jul 1995 09:23:48 +0800

Hi Lynn - I really enjoyed your posting on electrolytes. Especially
the emphasis on K+ - my understanding of thumps as being a hypocalcemic
state suggested that calcium supplementation was key. But the
'system' is not that simple, is it? So many factors!

I added your posting to the home page under "stories and items of
interest". Also added some previous postings on thumps (by Mike
Tomlinson, Dane Frazier and Greg Meyer - you folks let me know if
that's not ok) that are very enlightening.

Thanks for the input - keep us posted on your informal research!


Stephanie Schroeder-Teeter
Rt. 1 Box 27A Princeton, ID 83857
First Step Research - "http://www.fsr.com/"
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