Hi Karen-
If you are interested in helping out, I have been Hugh and Gloria Vanderford's
crew for the last few years. We would enjoy having you join our "team" if you
are interested. Hugh and Gloria stay in good spirits for most of the ride, and
are lots of fun!
My sister and I (Hi Lynn) keep talking about going to Tevis come
year (to WATCH, not compete)
I wouldn't mind thinking about crewing for someone (especially
someone I knew or have met over the newsgroup), or otherwise
helping out in some way.
Anyone out there need help or how to put us in touch with someone
who might have something productive for us to do?
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Subject: helping at Tevis
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From: "Sullys Maze" <Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 95 19:49:43 PDT
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