ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Old Dominion - Survival of the Fittest?
Re: Old Dominion - Survival of the Fittest?
Truman Prevatt (prevatt@lds.loral.com)
Tue, 13 Jun 95 11:39:21 EDT
I talked to Denna Meyer last night. Doc Meyer picked up Lynn Crespo at the
Miami airport Sunday who gave some details in her blurry eyed state caused
by crewing for 24 hours. Doc made a comment that the OD weather conditions
were FL conditions - hot and humid. FL horses are trianed in high
heat/humidity conditions. It is not uncommon to have 85 to 90 degrees with
high humidity in December here. Any FL horse has enough to overcome going
to the OD. At least Carlos's horse was used to heat and humidity.
Congradulations to my buddy Carlos (are you online yet Lynn?) and to all
the other horses that survived the 95 OD.
The race is not always to the swift, but to those that keep running.
Truman and Mystic "The Horse from HELL" Storm