Hi Folks, Linda here!
Diablo Vista was a beautiful ride, lots of the best vets, great weather.
Stacey, Helen and I all camped side by side and ate in the warmth and
comfort of Helens great camper. We all tried to find Laney but alas -
no luck! I'm putting my sig in my windshield next time. Or having the
ride personnel announce a little get-together for net-folk!
I rode the 25, started at about 7 or 7:15 and finished around 11:00.
This was fast time for Shatirr, but it didn't feel fast, which I like.
He just coasted. We got good scores at the vets and had super P&R's,
and Cory (the vet/manager) joked at the finish that I should "go back out
and finish the ride" (do the 2nd 25 miles). That felt good. I had two
vets joke that my P&R's were too low, and that I "must not be riding that
horse". One look at me and they knew that I sure as hell wasn't running!
The ride was, from our perspective, very well managed... We all like
Cory Soltau (the vet who manages the ride) alot. He has as much fun as
the riders and is a joy to be around! The P&R's went fast, the vetting
was great. And the Mt Diablo area is really a great place to ride.
It's suppose to be a tough 50 due to the hills on the 2nd half... I hope
to experience them next year!!
Later - Linda
P.S. Castle Rock, June 24th, is next on my agenda. Stacey and Helen are
both planning on going. Anyone else?