> Slow-twitch makes up the bulk of muscle fiber. Conditioning
> builds ST. Fast-twitch are used in Life / Death situations ie:
> Spooking. Are we sure FT can be "built up" or does it just
> exist? Does this make sense to anyone else? Most of the muscle
> fiber layed down is ST, but some FT is incorporated in the
> "blue-prints". Run to storage... look through old text
> books... might be more fun than work!
> I'm afraid Magnum uses those FT too much...
> ;-) - kat@syntex.com
(I'm working from memory here..
As I recall there are 3 muscle fiber types, fast twitch (glycolytic)
which are shorter fibers, slow twitch (oxidative) - longer flatter
muscles, and FOG - fast-oxidative-glycolytic.
Different breeds have different percentages of fast and slow, with
Arabs (and TB's to a lesser extent) having a higher % of slow twitch
fibers, which partially explains their superiority in endurance.
Breeds such as quarter horses have a greater % of fast twitch muscle
fibers - thus their short bunchy muscles and sprinting abitliy.
The FOG muscle fibers can actually be trained to become oxidative or
glycolytic depending upon the type of conditioning.
(Now - are there different brain tissue types too .. some way to
explaing the craziness of *some* breeds?)
Stephanie Schroeder-Teeter
Rt. 1 Box 27A Princeton, ID 83857
First Step Research - "http://www.fsr.com/"
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