I've just started training my 5 yo Samoyed to accompany me while riding
my green horse (actually, she's *red* ;> ) on the trails. Basically, I
want him to "come to heel" for safe crossing of streets, to stay within
about 50 feet while walking the trails, and to not even think (haha, yes
a Northern breed of dog) of trespassing on private property that the
trail goes by. And, of course, to stay out from under the horses feet.
When I call him to come to heel, I do *not* want him to sit, or even be
closer than 3-5 feet, so that his tail or paws aren't in jeopardy of
being stepped on by Marisa. I also carry a lead line, so I do in effect
have a leash with me. I am using a shock collar on the dog, set on the
lowest setting (it's more of a nudge, not a nip) to reinforce commands. I
also plan on bringing dog treats and water for longer excursions. And
when we get to looong rides, like maybe 8 miles and more, I plan on
bringing a set of dog booties just in case.
Any thing else you can think of?
< >
< ~ ~ >
< (_o_) > aaaooowooo
Debbie Higgins U
Seattle, WA USA m m & Joey the Samoyed