The mare seemed to be doing fairly well and had plenty in her when suddenly her
legs went rubbery and she just flopped herself down on her belly. She showed
none of the typical signs of physical distress, she just appeared to be taking
a breather. After about two minutes she got up again and I walked her a little
way along the trail but she seemed eager to move on and I was slowing her down
since my footing wasn't as sure as her's, so I hopped on and she took us hope
without further pause at her usual fast walk. (there seemed nothing else to do
since we were miles away from the nearest road.)
When We got home I rubbed her down, and buted her as a precaution.
There was no sign of swelling, distress, nothing. After a four day lay off I
lunged her and hopped on her bare back with a halter and she seems perfect.
What would cause such a thing?
Evolutioneers BBS 619 679 1158 & 619 679 9327
Internet: (Niccolai Murphy)