Hi All-
I will add to the praises of Biothane products. I have been using a Biothane
headstall for 7-8 years now - the same one!! It looks as good as it did when I
bought it. I have purchased others, for color changes, but not because anything
wore out. I have bought mine from different suppliers. The only thing that I
can recommend it that the fittings be stainless steel (brass seems to get
rusty); and that the seams be sewn, double stitched. A friend got a
halter/headstall that was held together with rivets. It was less expensive, but
the rivets eventually popped out.
I haven't used Biothane reins, as I prefer the weight of rope, but the headstall
that I use and the breast plate have been great.
Just some thoughts -
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