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TS breedings?

Just wondering - how many people out there in RC land have used/do use/will use transported semen in breeding their mares? Since we are beginning to promote our stallion again - now that we know he is going to live - and one has to balance the effectiveness of more extensive and less regional advertising against the hassle and cost of providing TS. Honestly we aren't interested in promoting him to make a bundle - too much work and too many foals seem to come out of those kinds of projects. But if we were to have a couple or  a few mares from northern Cal or Arizona, etc - it seems that perhaps it might be worth a couple extra Equitainers. Also, has anyone ever had an experience with the disposable 'equitainers'?

Our stallions is happy with a jump mare :) same diff to him. Opinions - as if there weren't any on this site!


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