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softride vs. sportsaddle

I am very intrigued by the notion of a treeless saddle, and I have
      been looking at both the sportsaddle and the softride saddle.
    A search of the archives reveals several questions regarding these
   topics, but not many answers, especially with respect to the softride
   saddles. I was wondering if  people could tell me about their
experiences with
      each of them?  Which is more comfortable (to horse and rider) after
      100 miles?  Which wears better over time and distance?  Which
   is easier to care for?  Basically, why is one better than the other?
    If you have one or the other, why did you choose it, and are you happy
with your purchase?

      I know I'm going to get responses from the distributors of these
      two saddles, but I would really appreciate hearing from people
      a financial stake in the matter.



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