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March AERC International Newsletter
Do you have questions about international riding?
By: Lori Stewart, AERC International Secretary
This month’s column, hopefully, will help you to learn who to contact and
where to search on the Internet for answers to many of your questions.
Let’s start at the grass roots, the AERC International Committee. The FEI
(the world governing body for Olympic and international equestrian sports)
divides the USA into five competition zones that basically coincide with the
time zones with the exception of the west which is split into a north and
south zone along the Sacramento River. Nevada is included in the Pacific
South zone. Each zone has two representatives who are elected for two-year
terms by the AERC International support group. They serve in order to HELP
YOU and to make recommendations to the AERC Board regarding subjects related
to international riding. Mike Foss DVM, appointed by the AERC President,
chairs the committee. The members of the committee and their contact
information are listed on the inside cover of Endurance News every month.
Not sure what zone you live in? Contact any member of the committee and
they will be happy to help you.
Here are some useful AERC International links on the World Wide Web: To find
the AERC International Procedures for Pan American and North American
Championships go to http://www.aerc.org and click on the International link;
then under Articles and Info click on Procedures. Most important to riders,
usually, is the section outlining the minimum performance qualifications to
nominate for a Pan American Team. Also from the International link, there
are links to educational articles, the committee roster, the Central, East
and Mountain zone Websites, the United States Equestrian Team (USET), USA
Equestrian (formally AHSA), the equestrian national federation , and the
Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI), the world governing body for
international equestrian sports.
Do you want to receive international news and information via e-mail? E-mail
Lori Stewart, AERC International Secretary, at rk-ld.stewart@usa.net and ask
to be put on the International News Group mailing list.
Do you want to learn about other endurance organizations around the world or
find out which rides in the United States will be FEI/AERC dual sanctioned
in 2002? Just visit Endurance Net at http://www.endurance.net and click on
the International link.
The USA Equestrian (formally the AHSA) is our national federation for
equestrian sports. If you plan to compete at an FEI sanctioned ride, or as a
ride manager you want to FEI sanction your ride, or if you wish to become an
FEI certified Judge, Veterinarian, or Steward then Jennifer Singleton, USA
Equestrian Director for Endurance, can help you. Her contact information is
listed every month on the inside cover of the AERC Endurance News along with
the AERC International committee members. Her email address is
The USA Equestrian Endurance committee recommends policy and programs to the
USA Equestrian Board of Directors relating to topics such as FEI rides,
officials, and riders. The endurance committee has19 voting members and 2
non-voting advisors. The current term for committee members is 4 years, and
the new committee was just appointed in 2001, so the committee will stand
until 2005. Tony Benedetti and Valerie Kanavy Co-Chair the committee. The
committee is formed as follows: 10 are recommended by the discipline's
representatives on our Board of Directors, 5 are appointed by USA
Equestrian, and 4 are active athletes (including 2 Olympic-discipline
athletes) elected to the post by the Active Athletes Committee.
The USA Equestrian’s website at http://www.equestrian.org/ hosts a wealth
of useful information and resources. For example, at the top of the opening
page click on Downloads and then choose international to download an FEI
passport or National passport application form. Click on Membership in the
opening page to join USA Equestrian online or to apply for your Horse
Recording. Click on International at the top of the opening page to learn
about the USET long list procedures and what is required to compete abroad.
Seems a bit confusing? Not to worry. Give Jennifer a call or email and she
will be happy to help you learn what paperwork is required and how to fill
it out.
The United States Equestrian Team (USET) is a non-profit organization that
selects, trains, equips and finances equestrians of the highest possible
standard to represent our country in major international competition,
including the Olympic Games and the World Championships. The USET Director
for Endurance is Mary Lutz. Her contact information is located at the end of
the International Committee listing in the Endurance News. Her email address
is mlutz@uset.org. The USET provides support to both World Champion and now
Pan-American Endurance Champion competitors. The USET is also trying to
have a presence at both US and foreign FEI rides to be sure our riders are
adequately supported. The Training Sessions have been very popular.
Remember, anyone can come to audit - there is a lot of valuable information
to be gained, with or without a horse. Mary Lutz received a letter recently
from a rider who credits her recent top ten finish and BC award to what she
had just learned at the USET Training Session.
The USET always goes first to the people who are directly involved in a
discipline to determine how they believe the discipline should be
administered. This is accomplished primarily via the USET Endurance
Committee and the USET Active Competitors Committee
USET Endurance Committee Chair is Arthur W. Priesz, Jr.
(email:czagincourt@earthlink.net). There are 11 members on the Committee
each of whom serve for a four-year period (2001-2004). There is a limit
for the Chair of two terms back-to-back but they could serve again after an
interlude. Next election to the Committee will be towards the end of 2004
(sometime after the
Olympics). Two of the members are Ex-Officio - the USET Director of
Endurance and an AERC Representative who currently is Barney Fleming.
The members of the USET Endurance Committee review the recommendations of
the USET Endurance Active Competitors Committee regarding Selection
Procedures, Training Sessions, FEI matters etc. and then develop the
Selection Procedures, draft any responses or communications with the FEI or
other organizations; determine basic Training Session formats, making
suggestions about clinicians. They develop USET policies concerning issues
such as
Prize Money, sending current World Champions to an event etc. The Chair
facilitates all meetings and is the contact person for the USET Discipline
Director when questions or issues arise.
USET Endurance Active Competitors Committee Chair is Maggy Price
(mmsprice@ptd.net) and the Vice-Chair is Valerie Kanavy
(vkanavy@rica.net). The USET Endurance Active Competitors Committee is made
up of riders who have represented the United States at a World Championship
in the past 10
years or who have finished in the top 50% of Selection for an FEI
Championship in the past 24 months. This is a USOC definition of an Active
Athlete. For Endurance, the USET uses those riders who have competed at the
most recent Pan American Endurance Championship as the top 50% of Selection
in the past 24 months. This Committee also serves for four years and the
Chair has the same term limitations as above. The next election will be
towards the end of 2004. Any rider who fits the above definition is
contacted to see if they are willing to serve on this committee. After
these responses are received, the entire list is then asked to vote for 11
members. Both the Chair and Vice-Chair of this committee are automatically
on the USET Endurance Committee to insure that the Active Competitors
recommendations are well represented on the Endurance Committee. This
Committee addresses essentially the same issues as the Endurance Committee.
Note, all of the changes made in this year's Selection Procedures are in
response to rider's suggestions.
The 2002 Selection Procedures for all the USET disciplines are located
online at www.uset.org. If you are interested in nominating for the 2002 USA
World Endurance Championship Squad, please contact Mary Lutz for a complete
nomination packet. She will be happy to assist you through the process.
Deadline to nominate is March 15, 2002.
The 2002 World Equestrian Games Website (English version) is located at:
To find the schedule of events for the entire two weeks, first click on
Endurance and then click on Programme or General Programme (located mid
screen under Endurance). The Endurance ride is scheduled for Monday,
September 16, 2002. The date of the pre-ride is April 27, 2002.
Where can I learn more about the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI)
and read the rules for myself? The FEI General Regulations and Rules for
Endurance can be purchased through the USA Equestrian either by contacting
Lynn McCoy (859-225-2020, email: lmccoy@equestrian.org) for an order form by
mail or by going to their website: http://www.equestrian.org/. Click on
Downloads, then choose International, then click on 2001 FEI Publications
Order Form. The FEI rules and regulations are also posted online at the FEI
website: http://www.horsesport.org/fei/index.lasso (link from
Endurance.net). First click on Reference at the top of the page, then Rules
on the side bar, and Rule Books on the next sidebar. The rulebooks can be
downloaded for easy reference and topic searches.
The best way to learn about the FEI and international riding from both a
rider’s and ride manager’s perspective is to attend the meetings hosted by
AERC International, USET, and USA Equestrian during the upcoming AERC
Convention beginning on Thursday, February 28th. For specific meeting dates
and times, please check your convention registration packet or the AERC
The USA Equestrian is sponsoring an FEI Course for Endurance Judges,
Stewards, and Veterinarians is scheduled for Feb 28 – March 1, 2002 at the
Silver Legacy Hotel, Reno, NV. Registration deadline is January 28th.
Please contact Lynn McCoy at 859-253-1968 for registration materials. Cost:
More confused and overwhelmed than ever? Just tackle this learning curve
like you do an endurance ride. One mile at a time or in this case, one bit
of information at a time.
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