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Kathy Mayeda kathy.mayeda@att.net
Abby - you must have been up LAAATE! I logged of pretty late Pacific Time
last night.
I want to thank you for your discussion. It gave me a lot of food for
thought. I printed it out and will hard archive it. Now I have to figure
out ways to get my farrier to discuss this stuff without his ego getting
in the way! I've been pussyfooting around him a little because he's the
only one that I've been able to get to shoe Beau so that he can at least
function. We are not yet perfect.
Jaye Perry had offered to view a video of my horse's gait, but this was
after he sent a very threatening e-mail to me with regards to that whole
Bill and Smokey fiasco. I wish that I could trust him as a person more
because I would have liked to take him up on it. But he was threatening
to make me and Beau the laughing stock of the nation with showing that
Beau was "lame" and that my ride record was puny. (So my ride record was
puny - at least I wasn't "winning" 100 mile endurance races that no one
can verify.) Nice guy, huh? Really took me by surprise because I didn't
think that he would be paying attention to any of that stuff.
Too bad. I would have loved to have an analysis by a farrier who cares.
And I wish that he could have seen Beau during Death Valley Encounters to
see how well my guy does on sand and lots of rock. He was awesome!
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