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Re: RC: Ramps.. my experience is a broken jaw

Yikes!  I have a trailer with a ramp, and in discussing it with friends who
were trailer shopping, that's one of the issues that came up.  I always close
my ramp from the side; it works fine that way, but even at that if the horse
got scared (and as you said, even the old pros sometimes do) there is the
potential for injury.
My horse was trained to a step-up, but he adapted.  I have the ramp simply
because the trailer was used and it was what I wanted in my price range and
the ramp wasn't a deal breaker. If I had my choice I'd prefer the step-up for
the convenience and safety.
But Jim has a good point; your horse should load in whatever, in case of
emergency.  That said, I've never had Akela in a slant load, but he followed
me through the building where I work (automatic doors and all), so I really
doubt I'd have a problem...
For the original poster that was told that was special order, you should be in
this area.  Step-ups outnumber ramps by a long shot.
And then there are the ones who are about 4" off the ground, have full doors
with a tiny ramp in addition.  Does anyone see the purpose in that?  If I had
one of those that the ramp doesn't make part of the door and it was that tiny
of a step, I'd have taken the foolish thing off very quickly!
Mickie (OH) wrote:

> Char Antuzzi
> picking up one of those heavy ramps, had the smaller top doors closed and
> was kicked in the face by a very well trained, older horse. It shattered
> my jaw and for 3 months I had it wired shut. The only benefit to this was

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