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EquiFlex Shoes

Well, I just had EquiFlex Shoes put on Shadow on all 4. He was elected to be the guinea pig since he's my 'personal horse'. So I'll see how he does compared to steel w/borium. I leave him barefoot as much as possible, but all we have is sand, dirt and mud, and I certainly can't get his feet ready to do rocky rides barefoot. Easy Boots ride too high on the front of his foot even cut all the way down to the buckle, and cause bruises under the buckle. So, the shoes went on easy and the only comment the farrier had was it would be better if we could get a hind pattern for the back feet. In Shadow's size the shoes are the same pattern for front and hind. And the nippers and rasp took off any excess easily. So now to see how he goes in them and how well they stay on.

                                  Shelly in DE

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