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Re: RC: West Nile
Are you sure you aren't confusing the West Nile Virus vaccine with the EPM
"vaccine"? I've read, and my vet told me, that administering the EPM
"vaccine" will cause the horse to test positive for EPM.
It doesn't matter to me; I'm vaccinating for WNV. West Nile is in Ohio and
the vaccine is a cheap insurance policy, even if the efficacy isn't
absolutely assured. But I'm not "vaccinating" for EPM. WNV is a VIRUS so it
makes sense that a vaccine could be developed. (As opposed to the supposed
EPM "vaccine" -- how can they develop a vaccine for a protozoa?) At $15 per
shot for the WNV vaccine, and since I board next to a reservoir filled with
mosquitos, my mare is getting some more holes poked in her.
Deanna (Ohio)
FYI - around here the EPM shot is going for $45 - $50.
>If you do vaccinate: did you know that your horse will now test
>positive for West Nile?? One vet has recommended that if you do
>vaccinate that you test the horse's titer first so you can prove that
>your horse does not have West Nile...
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