I have an encouragement story to tell and thought I might just start with you guys. I know that riders are always looking for the "as close to perfect" endurance horse, and I just want to share something with you...
About two years ago, my daughter, Charlene was told about an Arab that was going to the killers and that already two quarter horses were saved but no one wanted to take the Arab horse. She went and looked at this horse (still in the transport truck) and said she would take him. The driver didn't think it was worth the trip with one 600 lb Arab in it. This is how Sharkee entered our family. Sharkee was cleaned up, treated for ticks, fed well, feet trimmed, etc. by my daughter. She made research of the horse and found a few things out. He was weaned put in a box stall, and kept there for over 4 years. He was never taken out nor was the stall ever cleaned. Sharkee grew up looking out a window and almost wore a hole in his throat. He also had a bad sway back because of this.
I was attracted to this horse from the start. My daughter ended up trading me for another horse straight across, and that's another story. I started Sharkee with the intention of making him healthy and finding a good owner, as that is one of the things we do, sell endurance horses.
I took Sharkee to his first ride at the Norco Riverdance 50, 2000. Since this is a good ride with lots of water it was also a good training ride. Sharkee did well. I would have to say that his recoveries took longer than some of our other horses do at that training level. But we had hopes for him. He loved his new freedom and he was full, and healthy. He somewhere along the time line took some abuse with someone beating him. So every time a volunteer, or vet touched him his heart would sore up to the 90's. I would explain, and everyone took it slow and he would drop down again. This went on for a few more rides and Sharkee started to show improvement in vet checks. Always, people would be nice once I told them he was scared of humans.
We took Sharkee to the Timberon Multiday ride this last July 2001 as a back up horse. My husbands main horse Ima Liberated Lady ended up with a slight cough for day 1 so he rode Sharkee. Now, Sharkee is 14.3 at the wither, my husband weights in around 230lbs (heavyweight). Timberon ride is around 7,000 ft. base camp. We both came in 6th & 7th place. Sharkee again was ridden by my husband on day 3. We came in 1st & 3rd, Sharkee being 3rd in placement we all came in at the same time with Bill in the middle of us. I showed for BC and so did Bill, my husband said he was showing Sharkee also. Guess What?...when Charlie trotted off, Sharkee looked great with his big long stride! Bill & I just looked at each other and shook our heads, we were loosing this BC! Yes, Sharkee took BC. It wasn't weight...there was only 20lbs difference in all of us.
So I put Sharkee on our For Sale list. I had him priced down but the price was going to go up. But, everyone (over a dozen people) that came out to see him thought I was kidding about him being a good horse. With that back....and him being little....
To make a long story a little shorter. Sharkee and I had entered the Death Valley Ride this last Dec., we did all 4 days, we came in around 12th for overall time finished. I came home, repacked up (we vend) in three days, went to Warner Springs ride. Sharkee & I placed 20th.
After that I thought he might be ready for a good steady 100 miler. After all, Sharkee now had 705 miles. So I enter him in the 20 Mule Team FEI 100. There were 59 starters with 20 FEI riders in this group. We were treated real well from the FEI officials. As we vetted in, the vet sort of took a back up look at Sharkee...until he saw him trot out. He then just sort of smiled and told me the my horse looked good.
At base camp everyone asked me why I was doing the FEI. I told them it was because I needed to learn, and experience about FEI. It never occurred to them that my horse might be at any National level.
Anyway, we had a good start with me pulling Sharkee into a level pace. I told myself to do my own pace no matter what everyone else was doing. Sharkee didn't drink at all the first two water stops. The weather was cool so I didn't worry to much about this. Came into the 35 mile vet check around 20th something. Sharkee ate, drank well enough and vetted in great. Off we went out doing our own pace. Had riders passing by only for us to catch up and pass them at the next vet check due to pulsing in faster. Sharkee was still good to go out of 3rd VC with a little low gut sounds but otherwise good scores elsewhere. Came into the 65 mile VC in & out in 15th place. Passed two riders right off the bat, caught up with another rider in about 5 miles. We then caught up and passed two more riders somewhere around 80 miles. When we came into the last VC they told me I was 11th place. I told them kidding around that I didn't want to know this, too much pressure for trying to top ten with 8 miles to finish. Tenth place horse was 3 minutes out ahead of us. Of course it was hard to not try and catch up but we still did our own pace...guess what, in less than 2 miles we went right by 10th place horse. I continued on with my pace but sure was thinking this rider would come blasting by at any time. It never did happen. I had to totally rely on Sharkee to get me home. It was very dark and I couldn't see at all with the city of Ridgecrest lights into my eyes. The good thing was we had came out on this trail in the morning start...Sharkee remembered and followed it home.
We finished around 11:20 pm. When I came into the final VC area everyone was smiling at us. We had finished in 7th place and 4th FEI!!! I showed Sharkee for BC but didn't win it. I guess I just wanted to show off my little sway backed horse to everyone the next morning. I was so proud of him.
Thanks for taking the time in reading our story of TR Sharkee. Age unknown, breeding lines unknown.....If you want to see a picture of TR Sharkee's face, his best feature, he's on our web page under S Hacks.
So riders, it just goes to show you, when you don't have that Not So Perfect Horse. It shouldn't bother you or your horse. Just Ride On!
Tammy Robinson
Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
18171 Lost Creek Road
Saugus, CA 91390
661/513-9269 or 713-3912
www.Trail-Rite.com email:trailrite@aol.com