Re: figure 8 sidepulls?
I don't know about figure 8 sidepulls, but I like to start an endurance ride
in a Vosal & think they are great. I will be introducing a new Vosal at the
AERC Convention. It is made of airplane aluminum and is very light. I met
the manufacturer at Equine Affaire and think it will be great, so ordered
some for convention. Stop by my booth and check it out. Later in the ride
I remove the Vosal and ride in one of my rope side pull halters, which is
all we use for our training rides.
Pat Fredrickson
----- Original Message -----
From: <guest@endurance.net>
To: <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 12:53 PM
Subject: RC: figure 8 sidepulls?
> julie fox treaster@mailcity.com
> Does anybody have any words of advice regarding figure8 sidepulls, aka
> "the bitless bridle"? I'm trying to find bridle that acts as closely as
> possible like a snaffle bit, but without a bit. Has anybody tried this?
> Positive or Negative responses would be hugely appreciated. Thank You!!
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