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Re: RC: Newbies at NC - Question for Karen

At 11:03 AM 02/13/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>So put yourself in that point in time.  Would you have been as
>enthusiastic about the sport if you were told that you could not compete
>in NC rides or Tevis or ROC or???  It would probably seem like AERC is a
>closed club.  Think about it.

Definitely.  It took four years to get a horse ready for Tevis, so if it 
took me that long to reach another goal that would have been fine. It also 
took me that long, or longer -- to get a horse qualified for the 
ROC.  Sometimes it's not the destination, but the journey that makes the 
whole trip worthwhile.  I know that I had put in a lot more miles, work, 
effort, to get to those points than the new NC requirements require.


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