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Re: RE: newbie-pulse lower at canter?
> Darolyn was not talking about lower heartrates with
> regard to being more comfortable or alleviating a pain
> factor. It has to do with the hooves serving their
> intended purpose, which is partially to help the heart
> push blood from the hoof. This won't occur on all
> barefoot horses.
I think the point of my comments were that HR often drops between the trot
and the canter due to physiological factors other than shoeing. And that
those factors are well-documented and consistent regardless of whether the
same foot was trimmed or shod, therefore foot treatment does not seem to be
a statistically significant factor for the parameters that were being
measured (HR, lactic acid, gas exchange rates, assorted velocities at gait
change, etc). FWIW, the Cal Poly horses were kept very well balanced by an
excellent research-focused farrier, Mike Savoldi. I never saw high heels on
any of them. Couldn't tell ya if it was a Natural Trim, a four-point trim,
or anything else. I asked Mike once and he said he trims so that the horse
moves right and grows foot right. Made sense to me.
Susan G
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