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Re: RC: RE: CTR or Endurance/50's or LD?
I rode several years of NATRC before I did my first endurance ride. I never
did an LD ride. I just went straight into riding a few 50's and set my goal
at finishing in 8 hours for the first one, then tried to slice a little time
off each ride I went to. My last ride was in 5 1/2 hours and that was a
personal best for me. Only one time did I ride an LD and that was because
some friends wanted me to ride with them and they had never ridden an AERC
ride. We go for the good times and not the race. With your base of CTR you
will know how to ride your horse sensibly and won't get into trouble.
I then entered the Tevis and completed. I rode my own ride and had a great
time (however didn't drink enough fluids, but that is another story!)
So. Calif.
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