In my HUGE experience( one bleeder) who did endurance, I was devastated the fir5st time she did it. She was very successful prior to that. I did alot of research on the subject, and what I found out is that no one really knows why they do it or how to stop it. There are mostly mechanical strain on the lung capillary theories, and the suggested treatment is to give injectable Lasix, a diuretic. But the research also shows that this doesn't work. I explored the allergy/"heaves" theory too. I had my horse tested for allergies, and found out that she was allergic to everything. I lightened her training in the meantime, and have started allergy shots to see if it helps. nUnfortunately, if it doesn't work, she will need to retire, because her lungs will scar up and she will lose her ability to transpire quickly enough and cool herself quickly enough. Sorry for the bad news, but you need to know this.
Maris Ramsay you can email me privately if you want more info.