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Re: RC: National Championships

     My husband and I did Summer Breeze last Summer.  The trails were
very challanging and beautiful. The hospitality of Rudy & staff, Ride
mgt. & volenteers and trailriders we me t out on the trail while
competing were great. It was the most difficult 50 I have ever done on
any of my horses.  I was on my appendix QH mare.  She was a real
trooper.  My congratulations go out to everyone associated with the N.C.
ride last Oct.  I hope to qualify on China, my best mare, (who thinks
she is a race horse).  My aim is 250 more career miles for us as a ride for completion...and if we happen to get 2 top 5 lt. wt
finishes, then wonderful, we'll go to the N.C.
If not, we'll cheer for those teams that make it. 

Peggy & China in Florida 

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