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Re: new dogs to endurance/trail

Anybody have any suggestions for a mare that doesn't like dogs? My mare will
actually go after the dog if she gets in her pasture. To my horror, my dog
was in the pasture sniffing around and my mare, ears back, nose on the
ground, went after her, got on top of her and started stomping her.
Fortunately when I screamed, she looked at me which gave my dog exit she
needed. Is there a way to train her to tolerate my dog?

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 5:58 PM
Subject: RC: new dogs to endurance/trail

> carla lawson
> ahh dogs and endurance....I wish I could take DNA from my dog Dee and my
> Mouse Louie...they are all night/day long runners. Louie will run for
> hours on his little motercycle tredmill thingy... And Dee comes in fresh
> every trail ride...Well until that last 12 miler did her in a smidgen. As
> for the puppy training.. I carry my whip beside be and swat the little
> pups rump. It took a few times to get Hershey to get out from Ansata until
> well....she got rolled by my nag and we were going a good clip. I got off
> felt the ribs and was greeted with her hopping up and down and
> kisses..Silly dog.. wasn't hurt. But we were fortunate. It took Dee
> getting rolled as well and she stays way to the side or right behind. When
> we first start out at a walk they are full speed sniffing everything. But
> it took getting rolled and a few swats with the whip on the bum.
> Carla (nasty weather...and I am off work... Crap)
> Ansata (if that little brown dog keeps getting in my way I will pulverise
> her!!!!)
> Haley (Oh yeah..well at least you don't have a dog that is constantly
> Drafting you!!)
> Rob (ahh my dogs,my horse, is good!)
> Dee and Hershey (ohboyohboy...we get to go we get to go.)
> P.S. When we put the decals on our Trailer we have Dee and Hersheys names
> in the front compartment! they have earned the spot!
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