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It is interesting what one finds when looking thru old boxes of stuff that you have had stored  far back in the barn, and so long forgotten.  I found an article that was written in 1988, telling that there were 600 + rides sanctioned that year, and one for 1977, that had 110.  The AERC rules "book"  from 1987.  The 1987 letter that welcomed me as a new member to AERC.  A picture of Jackie Bumgardner on Fadrazal, when we were ALL allot younger. A entry form for the  now gone Land of Enchantment ride for 1988.  A great photo of my first AERC ride, ((which no one will EVER  get to see!))  wearing bright red sweat pants, and riding the first endurance saddle I built. Gosh, how we have changed. Photos of riders on Western and English saddles, and in blue jeans.  We have such a wide range of equipment to choose from now days. Articles written in the 70's and 80's about care feeding, conditioning. A few copies of Endurance News from the 80's, little tiny things. My how far we have come. How much we have learned. And the one article that I will keep forever, the story of Catoosa.  I will put it in my trailer, keep it out handy, to share with all the newbies I meet at rides. I am proud of the record AERC rides/ members/Vets, have over all for the protection and care of horses. For all the rides and miles we have done, and all the horses we have used, I think we have an outstanding, and remarkable record of health and safety for horses and riders.  An awesome drive for commitment and focus  for education and  knowledge of our horses and our sport.  Times change, people come and go. The ones that don't belong don't seem to stay.  Whatever differences of goals, attitudes, personalities or ideals, we may have, one thing remains constant, It is the Horses. Always and forever the Horses.  Annie G.
 Anne George Saddlery  

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