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joint stuff

OK ridecampers....I know this has been discussed but, I missed most of 
it.....and now was told something else and am soooooooooo confused!!! 
 ON joint supplements .....I  know that most vets and nutritionists say 
to use chondriotin sulfate with glucosamine but, now I heard that they 
are to be fed at separate feedings at least 12 hours apart.  Anyone else 
hear this???  I currently use Jeremy's Joint Jolt by ABC but, am open to 
other products ....maybe alittle more cost effective.  I know one 
suggestion was Super Flx and I have found that product.....anyone having 
any input on this????

Snow covered in the midwest!!!

Yep, we were doing so good with spring on it's way and last Thurs. we 
got 10 inches and now just plain cold out!!!!

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