And yet again~! I just wanted to comment on the LD thread comments. I've only ridden LD's so far. I've ridden them only in California. Personally, I never felt different (ignorance is bliss!!!? lol!)and never felt treated differently. I did come across a cranky rider or two, but I though maybe they were just pooped or not having a good day! Anyway my experinces were very nice and the Ride Managers and vets were wonderful and very helpful. (Yes, you too Maryben!!-especially) It encouraged me to continue and desire to do more "real" endurance in the future. I haven't been able to do more rides like I want do to my finances and limited travel opportunities currently. But I'm persisting and my will and desire are strong!! I also have used them to see if my horse(s) like the sport and would do well. I'd be concerned to take them on a longer ride at first and find out it's not for them. I'm just a bit cautious that way. I also have a horse I very much love who is a anglo-arab (16'1") and loves to be out, but because of injuries incurred prior to adopting her I wouldn't want to ask her to do more than a 25. That way, she stays sound, has some fun and gets to go somewhere with the others in her herd once in a while. She is a horse who needs a "purpose" or she gets bumbed like me!! lol..really...she does! She gets depressed! Anyway, just wanted to share my mindset on the subject. Enjoyed the threads on it. thanks, kathie (again!)
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