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    [RC] LD's and second class citizens - Truman Prevatt

    I've stayed out of the LD fray for a long time.  I found after the last round wanted to respond so here goes.

    In the Southeast region we pride ourselves in first class events for all our all our riders. If there is a vet line - which is seldom and usually short - every one stands and waits his turn. It doesn't matter if you are an LD or a 100 miler you have paid your membership dues and your ride fee and you take your turn. It just so happens in the SE there are placements given for LD based on the 60 pulse finish line. SERA developed the 60 pulse finish line and was using it long before the AERC adopted it. This was before my time, but some very smart people and good endurance riders and vets developed it. It allows those that want to race to race but it does provide protection to the horses in the hands of less experienced riders.  All SERA sanctioned rides have been giving LD BC using the endurance forms the same as the longer rides and we have been doing this for years.

    This all works well and I have seldom heard any complaints from LD riders in the SE about being second class citizens. If LD riders in the SE feel that they are being treated like second class citizens, this is something we in SERA want to know. Our goal is for all riders, no matter what distance they prefer to ride, enjoy a quality event. We are all in this endurance family together. I would encourage any SE rider that feels like they have been treated like a second class citizen on a SERA sanctioned ride to contact me personally and let me know why you feel this way. If there is a problem I am not aware of, we will see how we can fix it.

    President, Southeast Endruance Riders Association