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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:42:17 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] GastroGard - Heidi Smith

    > There must be a place where you can buy GastroGard at a competitve price?
    > Does anyone know of one?  Or is the price set only by the vets?  Pat Oliva
    Pat, "the vets" have very little to do with the prices of pharmaceuticals.
    Prices are set by the company that manufactures the drug, and when new drugs
    first come on the market, the prices reflect the money the company had to
    spend on research and trials in order to get the drug approved by the
    various governmental regulatory agencies (FDA/USDA).  When a company first
    puts a new drug on the market, it is allowed a "patent" on that drug for the
    first few years it is out, precisely so that it CAN recoup what it has
    spent.  If this did not happen, no company could afford to research and
    license new drugs, and we simply would not have any.  Initial research is
    expensive enough--the trials required by the regulatory agencies often cost
    millions.  You will see a competitive price on GastroGard (and likely a more
    varied marketing spectrum) when its patent period expires.
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    [RC] GastroGard, PatOlivatigger